Hello! My name is Alonzo Cee and I'm a diversity, equity, and inclusion professional from Harlem, NY. I'm a two-time graduate of Elon University in North Carolina. First getting my Bachelor's of Science in Statistics in 2018 and then getting my Master's of Arts in Higher Education in 2020.
My story began through my love for baseball and my want to become a professional baseball player. After a career-ending injury right before college, my time and effort was diverted to my studies and my extracurricular involvement. This included joining the Black Student Union, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., the Student Government Association, and numerous other clubs, jobs, and opportunities to serve Elon with students, faculty, staff, and administration. My involvement and engagement with the university got some of my mentors to have conversations with me about a potential career in higher education.

As a student, I wanted to develop as a better leader and also advocate for students who may not have had their stories heard. It was this that my mentors saw in me, and gave me a push in this direction. I was still not too confident about this change in potential career paths, as the plan beforehand was to become a baseball player or a baseball/sports analyst. I realized that even though I had a love for baseball, it could still remain a part of my life without being my career. My passion for leadership development and advocacy as a student translated perfectly into my graduate school apprenticeship placement at Elon with the Center for Leadership. This has allowed me to not just develop myself as a leader, but also give myself the language and tools to develop others as leaders as well. Since my graduate program, I have worked as a Coordinator for Leadership Programs within Student Involvement at Auburn University, as the Program Coordinator for Inclusive Excellence back at Elon University, and now as the Manager for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at Sesame Workshop. I love what I am doing, the journey life has been so far, and the potential that my future holds.
My journey has helped me figure out somewhat of a philosophy regarding our responsibility as people in this world. That we have a deep and profound impact on each and every person that lives on this earth. Regardless of intention. Regardless of whether we know them or not. Our capacity to impact others transcends past our physical selves and our direct proximity to other people. It is this interdependence that shapes the way I see leadership. Leadership is not about power over others and it is not about management. It is about our impact and our ability to influence. This gives everyone the ability to lead. Because we all have impact.
Alonzo Cee
Contact Me
Please reach out to inquire about my services. I look forward to hearing from you.